Magical Rain sees the encountering of diversity as a journey of discovery,an opening of mind, a broadening of possibilities.. It is our mission to bring to audiences and workshop participants a taste of new ways of seeing and encountering the world. | |
Magical Rain creates original plays inspired by stories, myths and legends from cultures
around the world. The stories we choose have messages of compassion, responsibility, courage and self-sacrifice
that are of critical significance not only for the cultures where they originated, but also for the audiences we
perform for. Experiencing these stories brings alive the depth of heart and wisdom that exists in cultures and
traditions that may be unfamiliar to many in the audience. This experience helps to dispel stereotypes and to instill
respect for people and perspectives other than our own. Magical Rain has created adaptations of stories from Latino cultures (Palabras Luminosas, Uvieta's Wishes) and Native American and European traditions (The Hero's Heart) and we are yet expanding to encompass other traditions from Asia & Africa, Australia & the Pacific. Encountering diversity is about learning about differences between peoples, and also about understanding those things that all people in the human family hold in common. This kind of encounter and understanding can happen between groups of people, and it can also happen between individuals. After all, there are no two people (just as there are no two snowflakes) exactly alike. Magical Rain's Life Mapping workshop is designed to give individual students a safe and imaginative way to express their own individual life journeys. It is an excellent way to discover the unexpected diversity of individual experiences that exists even in groups of people who we know well. Of course, not all encounters between different peoples (whether between individuals, cultures or nations) are respectful or positive. Darker feelings of fear, prejudice, guilt and hate often mar such encounters. In our personal lives and on the global stage, in today's environment and in the shadows of history, there is a mixture of many emotions (both dark and light) that surround issues of diversity. Magical Rain has created several original productions that explore this mixture of feelings/ consequences surrounding the Conquest of the Americas (Maldiciones de La Malinche, Performing Malinche) and what it means to be a woman seeking truth, and seeking home (Dangerous Women, Song of the Seal Woman). Dr. Vasquez also creates workshops that explore the mixtures of cultures in the New World that have led to our present ways of living, eating, speaking and celebrating (New World Journeys). |
"It was great to see how you took this group of individuals and through your series
of interactive theater experiences, help to build a bond of companionship, safety and friendship to allow these
students to deal with the issues of racism and prejudice. Moreover, your use of culturally affirming and relevant
information and experiences, allowed these students to build a sense of self worth but also be challenged to look
beyond themselves and gain a greater sensitivity to others in the community." Dionardo
Pizaña , Siena Heights College and
Ann Hinsdale-Knisel, Lenawee County Cooperative Extension, Michigan State University "The focus of their work is unique and important in our community. It is rare to encounter productions of their caliber that deal with colorful and interesting areas of Hispanic culture. Their productions teach and amaze audiences of all ages and ethnic backgrounds." - Christina Holmes, Executive Director, Hispanic American Council, Kalamazoo, MI "Her presentations provided a bridge between the cultural history of Latinos and the common bond shared by all cultures: family and society finding meaning through love, responsibility and hope. Her use of drama and humor to bring about effective intellectual involvement was magical." - Anita Vogelaar, curator for the Hispanic American Art exhibit, Kalamazoo Institute of Art |
Diversity | Emotional Intelligence | Cooperative Learning | Customer Responses | Press |