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Rain of Dreams

Stories, Tales and Wisdom... creating teachable moments...
Rain of Dreams is a storytelling performance that weaves together tales from many places, times, peoples and perspectives. Stories can be a pathway to imagination and vision, while at the same time they can be a well that stores our memories, traditions and experiences. This performance moves from the profound to the ridiculous, from wild and animated to silent and reflective. It is designed to awaken in the audience their own imaginations and memories. Props and tech are kept to a minimum here - to emphasize that this style of performance is accessible to everyone: we all have stories to tell. The performance can be also accompanied by a workshop that gives the students a chance to learn techniques for expressing and sharing their feelings and ideas... and for listening to those of others.

Imagine the universe of possibilities by discerning and dispelling obstacles, and immersing oneself in a shower of creativities. We are not limited by a single dream, American, or otherwise. It is not our duty to fulfill the dreams of others. Even if that dream be marvelous. It is our birthright to dream our own dreams. For it is work to garner a vision. To find that work gives us strength. We are born with the yearning to forge our own path. What is our lifeswork? How do we find the first step on a life journey of self-discovery? It is time now, to begin.

What we need now is a rain of dreams....

We want students to experience and express their intuitive, creative and honest and compassionate responses to learning about other people and themselves. We wish them to wrestle with questions such as these: What binds us together as human beings? What values about community and courage are expressed in stories? How do gestures convey volumes? What difference can the act of a single individual make? How do we learn more about ourselves when we learn about other peoples?
"Thanks much for coming to my class. The students thought that you were "cool" and "awesome" - words of high praise in their lingo. Your presentation was as lively and informative as I had hoped and will give us a lot of material for future class meetings..."- Diether H. Haenicke, Past President , Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

"I really enjoyed Irene. I plan to teach someday, and I felt the information she gave me about storytelling was invaluable. When Irene said that storytelling only requires humanness and a voice, that really struck a cord in me." - Caroline Herring, student, Shreiner College, Kerville, TX

"As a playwright and a storyteller, Runyan has consistently woven a crafty tale by experimenting with form without ever losing his audience or the tale itself. He is humorous and dead serious, often at the same time, without contradiction, and is self-aware without being self-indulgent." Andrew Hager, playwright and composer, NYC

"...an exceptional, inspiring speaker. Hearing of Irene's rich family oral tradition left me enviously in awe. Irene's stories about her childhood reminded me to draw upon my past and my family for inspiration. She is such an enthusiastic speaker, she looked like a little girl full of wonder. My favorite quote of the day: the purpose of life is to "explore the mystery of who you are." I could have listened to her all day."
- Amy A. Griffin, student, Schreiner College, Kerville, TX


Storytelling Performance: $400 plus travel

Performance + Workshop: $600 plus travel

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