Life is a journey. To prepare for the journey we need skills, strategies, knowledges of all sorts. We need to
put all this stuff in us in our hearts, minds, bodies in our very own unique kitbag a sort of internal backpack
where we carry all the important things we need to live. What is it that we need in order to live? Just food, clothing
& shelter? Or do we need more? What do we draw upon when we are sad? &to help lift our spirits? What do
we draw out of our kit bag when we feel trapped, that helps us make a powerful decision? What in our kit bag gives
us the ability to share even when we feel we have so little? What qualities of character, attitude, and abilities
do we each need to nurture so we become whole, intelligent, strong, sensitive human beings? Where do we get these
resources to put in our own individual kit bags?
Ms. Sherry Meyer s bilingual class has studied the concepts involved
with the kit bag life s journey with its obstacles, opportunities, promises
and betrayals. After extensive discussions the students generated a long
list of resources that could be put in a kit bag: love, family, heritage,
faith, courage, resilience, education, languages, words, cooperation within
a community, wisdom, music, friendship, loyalty, determination, self-esteem,
love of learning, honesty, etc. Further discussion emphasized that these
resources could be encountered everywhere from parents, family, friends,
strangers even enemies, in the community, school, church, the media, etc.
Lessons gleaned from life experiences could become resources for one s
kit bag if we choose. A good life-supporting kit bag is a rich mixture
made accessible by our awareness and thoughtful reviewing of its contents.
Each student then created a personal kit bag along with symbolic objects
representing the resources they need, are developing or hope or plan to
encounter. These bags were displayed on the "Tree of Life" in
the Multimedia Exhibit. The contents of each bag were also displayed on
nearby posters. Click on the posters to the right to enlarge. |
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